Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the course!

    • We Welcome Andrey Kolpakov to the Motiv8 Investments Team as COI

    • Motiv8 Investment Team

    • Motiv8 Investments - Who we are

    • Motiv8 Investments - Talking Points

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    • IAR Account Opening Forms

    • Motiv8 Client Document Workflow 4_27_17

    • Motiv8 Designation of Continuing Payments Addendum 5_3_17

    • Motiv8 ERISA Plan Form

    • Motiv8 Client Portal Invitation Guide

    • Motiv8 Household Cover Sheet

    • Motiv8 Investor Suitability Disclosure

    • Motiv8 IAR Cheat Sheet Forms

    • Motiv8 Direct Deposit 5_3_17

    • Motiv8 Risk Tolerance Questionnaire

    • Motiv8 OBA Report 5_3_17

    • Motiv8 IAR Account Opening Forms

    • Motiv8 Retail Communications Approval Request

    • Motiv8 Investments LLC - P&P Manual_03-08-2017 (1)

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    Mandatory Compliance Meeting - 3/7/2022

    • RIA Compliance Program

    • MOTIV8 INVESTMENTS ADVISORS ONLY Mandatory Compliance Training 3.7.22

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    Investment Processes and Portfolios

    • M8 Investment Process & Methodology

    • Motiv8 Investments - NEW M8 Equal Sector Strategy Model Portfolio 5/17/2022

    • Motiv8 Investments - M8 Quality 40 Model Launch 6/15/2022

    • Quarter Update & Portfolio Review 7/26/2022